by Rob | Feb 16, 2021 | 360 Blog, Blogger, News, Uncategorized
Your leadership team may not yet know your organization is in uncharted waters, but eventually they will. Every organization is. Governments, investors, stakeholders and financial institutions are all taking steps to address a warming climate. Their actions are...
by Rob | May 25, 2020 | Webinars
HEIDELBERG MAKES CONCRETE CARBON REDUCTIONS. The Heidelberg Cement Group has embraced the daunting challenge of only producing CO₂ neutral concrete products. The Norwegian-based company – the world’s second-largest cement producer –...
by Rob | Feb 26, 2020 | Webinars
The journey to a net-zero emissions world and beyond is not as simple as picking an end-point. First, elimination of emissions is not the only constraint the world needs to deal with. Even with energy efficiency improvements, the global appetite for energy...