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Webinar: Webinar: Emissions Free Trucking With Jessica Lof

Webinar: Emissions Free Trucking With Jessica Lof. December 2, 2019. | Author: 360 Energy.

Article: Emissions Free Trucking Gaining Traction

A pilot project to test the feasibility of using hydrogen to power electric drive trucks with zero tailpipe emissions is underway in Alberta.

Article: TCFC Electric Trucking Event

Kruger Perú. , a division of Kruger, one of the few companies presently using two 100% electric trucks in their daily operations.

Carbon Emissions

Content with tag: Blog Articles: Podcasts: Success Stories: Press Releases: Carbon Emissions. Carbon Emissions. Carbon Emissions

Article: Overcoming Barriers to Electric Heavy Haul Trucking

Carbon emissions from long-haul trucks may soon be a thing of the past. Electric powered heavy transport trucks may soon be familiar sights on North American highways, thanks in part to work being undertaken at the University of Windsor. Dr.

Article: Price Fixing of Carbon Markets. There Is a Better Way.

Let’s assume one of our bakers lowers his carbon emissions by investing in a more energy-efficient oven. He reduces the emissions intensity of each loaf of bread he bakes.

Podcast Episode 15: Managing Energy and Carbon in the Greenhouse Industry Part 2

In This Episode: Join energy coaches David Arkell and John Pooley on an episode about the greenhouse industry's role in energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Article: Build Alberta’s Industrial Economy on Carbon Management

“If Alberta addresses the reality of climate change, it will be well-positioned to build a strong, low-emissions industrial sector, and attract major international investments”, the Calgary based entrepreneur told. The 360.

Podcast Episode 52: The Road to Net-Zero Carbon Emissions

The Road to Net-Zero Carbon Emissions. June 29, 2022. | Duration: 2070754. Listen on Apple Podcasts. Listen on Spotify.

Article: How Do I Reduce Carbon Emissions For My Organization?

How Do I Reduce Carbon Emissions For My Organization? July 3, 2022. | Author: 360 Energy. In a recent post, “Why does my company need a carbon strategy?”. We talked about why your organization needs to reduce carbon emissions.

Podcast Episode 104: Moving Towards a Zero Emission Future with Purolator

Moving Towards a Zero Emission Future with Purolator. November 8, 2023. | Duration: 1838100. Listen on Apple Podcasts. Listen on Spotify.

Podcast Episode 38: Monetizing Carbon

Monetizing carbon assigns a cost to emissions, making businesses more accountable for their environmental impact. When businesses face financial incentives or penalties, they are more likely to seek ways to reduce emissions.

Webinar: Webinar: A Primer on Carbon Capture

The journey to a net-zero emissions economy by 2050 and beyond is not as simple as declaring a target year end-point. In addition to eliminating carbon emissions, there are other constraints confronting the world.

: Will Canada’s Governments Jump on the Carbon Storage Opportunity?

These were key points made in the 360 Energy webinar, “Hubs & Clusters: Opportunities for Industrial Carbon Emissions Management”. European countries, such as the Netherlands and Norway, are proving it is feasible to capture and store carbon emissions.

: Hydrogen, Sustainability and Finance Conference 2020

Simply put, exploring the entire suite of clean hydrogen applications as part of a broader effort to reduce carbon emissions and address climate change.

Article: Supercharge Your Net Zero Journey With Strategic Carbon Reduction Planning

Carbon emissions have become increasingly important to consumers and the general public. As businesses rely on fossil fuels, they inadvertently contribute to carbon dioxide (CO. 2. ) emissions.

Article: How to Control Industrial Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Your Organization

How to Control Industrial Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Your Organization. February 16, 2022. | Author: 360 Energy. There's Scope for Action on Carbon Emissions.

Podcast Episode 33: Carbon Offsets 101

Carbon offsets are credits generated by projects that remove or reduce CO₂, which others can purchase to compensate for their emissions. This system allows companies to contribute to emission reduction indirectly.

Webinar: Webinar: Carbon Capture: A Primer

The journey to a net-zero emissions world and beyond is not as simple as picking an end-point. First, elimination of emissions is not the only constraint the world needs to deal with.

Podcast Episode 102: The Zero Emission Transition with Purolator

The Zero Emission Transition with Purolator. October 25, 2023. | Duration: 2244521. Listen on Apple Podcasts. Listen on Spotify.

Podcast Episode 59: The Many Names of Net Zero Carbon Emissions

The Many Names of Net Zero Carbon Emissions. October 26, 2022. | Duration: 1783547. Listen on Apple Podcasts. Listen on Spotify.

Article: Are There Benefits From Reporting Carbon Emissions?

Are There Benefits From Reporting Carbon Emissions? February 16, 2021. | Author: 360 Energy. Governments and investors are prodding the global economy towards carbon emissions reductions.

Article: The Race to Reduce Carbon Emissions Got a Lot Faster.

The Race to Reduce Carbon Emissions Got a Lot Faster. September 14, 2021. | Author: 360 Energy. Sustainability champions, take note. Big changes are coming in the automotive sector.

CEO Message: CEO Message

I strongly agree with the Business Council of Canada: we should become top quartile performers in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions and energy efficiency improvements.

Article: What are Carbon Credits and How Do Carbon Credits Work?

Carbon emissions from human activities need to go down in order to reduce the risks of climate warming. Some governments are choosing to regulate emissions reductions directly. A variety of approaches are used, the most common of which is “cap-and-trade”.

Webinar: Webinar: Zero Emissions: Lessons From Europe and the Uk

Webinar: Zero Emissions: Lessons From Europe and the Uk. March 26, 2020. | Author: 360 Energy. We hear the term “zero emissions” a lot these days, and see news of a number of corporations and organizations pledging to be zero emissions.

Article: What’s Up With Carbon Markets? Why All the Buzz?

Energy consuming companies need to reduce the carbon emissions from their operations to comply with current regulations or to meet their own sustainability goals.

Article: Energy Innovation Will Drive the Coming Recovery

In the challenging times ahead, the drive to cut carbon emissions to zero will define the companies that thrive. Reporting progress in achieving zero emissions will soon be the common denominator of successful, resilient companies.

Article: Canada’s National Inventory Report Shows a Worrying Trend

Canada’s population and economy are driving the increase in emissions. Since 2005, both have grown. On a positive note, the per capita CO₂ emissions have gone down.

Podcast Episode 40: The Future of Canada's Oil Industry with PTAC's COO Allan Fogwill

This episode features the mitigating carbon emissions, COP26 impact, major changes in the industry, and more. Check out our. 360 Carbon Excellence Program. ". Highlights.

Article: Canadian Greenhouse Gas Regulations – Navigating the Landscape

It is broadly accepted that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions need to be curbed to avoid significant global climate risks. Legislation and regulations in place across Canada to limit GHG emissions are varied and complex.

: Heidelberg Makes Concrete Carbon Reductions

The Norwegian-based company – the world’s second-largest cement producer – has embarked on an unprecedented journey to remove carbon emissions from their energy-intensive production processes.

Article: Don’t Waste Your Time Tracking Emissions Data

Don’t Waste Your Time Tracking Emissions Data. February 19, 2020. | Author: 360 Energy. For large carbon emitters, June 1 is the most important day of the year.

Article: 7 Beliefs That Are Limiting Progress on Carbon Reduction

Limiting Belief: Reducing carbon emissions is costly. In reality, 360 Energy has consistently delivered a return on investing in energy and carbon emissions management of 300% or more.

Article: Cement Manufacturers Confront Risk and Opportunity

Cement producers confront a business challenge in which managing energy and carbon emissions now have enormous strategic value.

Article: Carbon Emissions: Is Self-Management for You?

Carbon Emissions: Is Self-Management for You? January 12, 2018. | Author: 360 Energy. The start of 2018 marks the one-year anniversary of Ontario’s Cap and Trade Program.

Article: A Guide to Net Zero Carbon Emissions

A Guide to Net Zero Carbon Emissions. October 15, 2020. | Author: John Pooley. By , Vice-President, Program Development for 360 Energy. Many businesses are publicly committing to achieving “Net Zero” carbon emissions.

Article: How Does Using Energy Create Carbon Emissions?

How Does Using Energy Create Carbon Emissions? October 19, 2020. | Author: 360 Energy. How does using energy create carbon emissions?

Podcast Episode 35: Zero Emission Building Basics with Dr. Tony Cupido

Tony Cupido on an episode on zero emission building basics. This episode features what zero emission buildings are and how they are built, building examples, retrofitting buildings, costs, funding, and more. Highlights.

Article: Food Retailers Setting the Pace for Sustainability

Project Gigaton. in order to avoid one billion metric tons (a gigaton) of Scope 3 carbon emissions from their. global value chain. by 2030. To reach its. target. , Walmart will track which suppliers are reporting their avoided carbon emissions.

Article: What is a Carbon Offset and Do Carbon Offsets Work?

Businesses across North America are ramping up efforts to control their energy use and reduce their carbon emissions. Some plans are ambitious. Companies have committed to meeting net zero carbon emissions within the next decade or sooner.

Podcast Episode 47: Operating a Zero-Emission Building with Dr. Tony Cupido

Operating a Zero-Emission Building with Dr. Tony Cupido. May 25, 2022. | Duration: 2101405. Listen on Apple Podcasts. Listen on Spotify. In This Episode: Join energy coach David Arkell, producer Lysandra Naom, and guest Dr.

Podcast Episode 103: Leftover Food and Net Zero with Robert Lee

This episode features what leftover food is, the impact on carbon emissions, benefits in redistributing excess food, and more. Check out Rescuing Leftover Cuisine here: Check out our. 360 Carbon Excellence Program.

Podcast Episode 30: Carbon Tax and Carbon Regulation Basics

Direct emissions reductions should always take priority. Offsets are valuable but should be used as a supplementary measure for residual emissions, not as the primary strategy.

Podcast Episode 88: Climate Change & Farming – with Dipesh Mistry

Role of Agriculture in Emissions. : Agriculture contributes about one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions, driven by intensive land use, monoculture practices, and high water consumption.

Podcast Episode 85: A Sustainable Business Case Study – with VeriForm Inc.

Energy and Emission Tracking. : VeriForm tracks its energy usage in natural gas and electricity, converting it to carbon emissions, and demonstrates how cost savings align with reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

Article: Do You Think Carbon Capture and Storage Is a Pipe Dream? Think Again.

But even under the best of these scenarios there remain a huge number of emission sources, many industrial, that present a challenge.

Article: Net Zero Carbon Procurement

The IPCC released a statement in 2022, introducing a firm goal that all businesses must reduce their carbon emissions by at least half by 2030.

: How Canada Can Become a “Net-Zero Carbon” Nation

in an energy management program; Qualifying organizations will commit their corporate finance, procurement, engineering and operations to cross-manage energy as a controllable input; Qualifying organizations will track, verify and report energy and carbon emissions

Podcast Episode 48: Electrifying Freight Transport

Spearheaded by the University of Windsor and 360 Energy, the project focuses on electrifying heavy-duty trucks, analyzing infrastructure and energy demands along Ontario’s main freight corridors.

Article: What Does Scope 1, 2, & 3 Emissions Mean?

A carbon footprint is typically the sum of three different classes of emissions: Scope 1 Emissions: Emissions that come from using fuels under your direct control are considered Scope 1.

Article: FAQ: Most Common Carbon Questions Answered

When we talk about carbon emissions, we are focusing specifically on carbon dioxide or CO. 2. Why Are Carbon Emissions A Problem? CO. 2. is one of the greenhouse gases that absorb radiation and prevent heat from escaping our atmosphere.

Article: Is Your Electrical Grid ESG-Friendly?

This is an important consideration for the increasing number of manufacturers that track and report carbon emissions in their ESG reports. The carbon emissions intensity of electricity grids varies widely across North America.

Article: Creating a Carbon Offset

Prevent leakage (reducing emissions rather than moving them elsewhere), Have additionality (reducing emissions beyond business as usual), Be considered permanent (emissions are kept out of the atmosphere for a reasonable length of time), Follow protocols (the

Article: Climate Warming “Unequivocally” Linked to Energy Use

Future Emissions and Temperature Increase, Reproduced from. IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. , 2021. The IPCC points to. carbon dioxide emissions. in the atmosphere as the largest contributor to climate warming.

Article: The Cement Journey Emission – a CEO Speaks

The Cement Journey Emission – a CEO Speaks. March 30, 2017. | Author: 360 Energy. In 2006, St. Marys Cement in Bowmanville embarked on a Journey to Energy Excellence. Soon after they engaged 360 Energy to help guide and support them along the way.

Article: Accountants Face New Energy Management Responsibilities

But interestingly, they are instead coming to energy related issues through the side door, through carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions measurement.

Article: Sustainability in Sports: A Growing Movement

DFB has structured the tournament schedule to minimize team travel and requires emission-saving plans from participating teams, encouraging the use of low-emission vehicles.

Article: Yes. We Can Control Energy

With the right leadership, education and the right internal management processes, engaged employee teams are continually achieving measurable reductions in energy costs and carbon emissions year after year.

Article: Why Spell Carbon As “E-N-E-R-G-Y”?

Reducing carbon emissions is taking centre stage for growing numbers of consumers and for the public. What does “carbon” mean for your business? There is a direct link between using energy. (at least energy from fossil fuels) and carbon emissions.