Team CheerSolar panels against a blue sky with clouds.

Energy in the Rear View Mirror – Reflections on 2018

December 12, 2018


David Arkell

Message from the CEO

2018 is rapidly drawing to a close. If you are like me, you are probably taking stock of both the opportunities and challenges the year has brought you. Let me share a few highlights from our reflections at 360 Energy:

  • Businesses, large and small, are becoming more aware of energy as a corporate-wide issue. They recognize that reducing energy costs and approaching energy as a strategic risk gives them an edge in an increasingly difficult competitive environment.
  • Senior managers are more interested in energy like never before. This year 360 Energy helped our customers reduce or avoid costs related to: self-generation and energy storage analysis; fuel switching; Global Adjustment; utility bill collection and payment; energy procurement; and power availability to site, to name a few.  
  • Technology suppliers are offering businesses unprecedented choices in the marketplace. Batteries, co-generation, LED lighting, bio gas, fuel cells and more. It’s a long list. However, the myriad of competing claims for these technologies is also confusing. Business owners and leaders often need help to fully exploit the opportunities that have opened up for them.
  • A number of our 360 Energy customers are now incorporating energy and climate resiliency into their 5 year Corporate Strategy. They recognize energy costs or extreme storm events could negatively impact their operations. It has been heartening to see more executive managers taking an active role in energy issues at their firms.
  • Canada, with the exception of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia, has one of the cleanest electrical grids in the world. In my opinion, Canada and many provinces are not properly promoting this competitive advantage to international corporations.

We are grateful for the gifts of insight and development we have received from our 360 Energy customer community in 2018. You can’t imagine what a thrill it is for us when our clients surpass the results they initially set out to achieve:

  • Collectively, our customers are on track to save more than 3 times their spending on energy management.  Most of their savings have been achieved with little or no capital investment.
  • A significant number have graduated into a multi disciplinary, company-wide management program. As a result, they are gaining improved productivity and operational reliability, measurable cost reductions, and lower environmental impacts in their day to day operations.
  • Owners and executives are identifying their future leaders through employee engagement on multidisciplinary energy teams. The natural leadership abilities of employees at all levels shine when they have the opportunity to work with a variety of cross-department colleagues on corporate energy issues.

As you look back on 2018, my hope is that you and your organization will also have much for which to be grateful. May you greet the New Year with confidence and satisfaction.

David Arkell, CEO,

360 Energy