Sustainability & Climate Action
Sustainability & Climate Action
The $3 Billion Challenge
Canada’s businesses can realize $3 Billion in annual cost savings just from taking a simple business approach to manage their energy.
We reached this estimate at 360 Energy after reviewing ourcustomers’ achievements over the past 25 years.
Every company that has implemented a comprehensive energy management program has seen its productivity and operational performance improve.
This past summer, I had the honour of being invited by the Business Council of Canada to participate in a roundtable on Canada’s Economic Future. The discussions convinced me that even small-scale changes to our pattern of energy use would have enormous benefit to our country.
A national program, targeted to help all Canadian enterprises better manage their energy costs, would do wonders for our nation’s economic prospects.
So what can your company do? Read all the details below.
Prepare for the "Natural Gas New Year"
The kids are back in school. There’s a noticeable nip to the evening air. Hints of yellow and orange are appearing on the trees. Sure signs that summer is behind us.
Fall also marks an important time of year in the natural gas business.
Traditionally, natural gas users across North America take steps in October to secure natural gas supply for the upcoming twelve-month period.
The beginning of the winter heating season in November typically starts the “natural gas year”.
Right now, is the time for companies to make corporate-wide and site-specific preparations.
Whether they currently have supply contracts in place or not, gas users need to focus on their consumption volumes and consider strategies that will make the most of this transition.
To start the natural gas new year in good shape, click below to read our advice.
Event / Energy and Climate Risk Management Seminar
Over the past year, the Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) Canada has developed training sessions to help boards and business executives prepare for the impacts of a warming climate.
As the body for financial professionals, CPA Canada has identified a need for corporate leaders to be objectively informed on the risks of climate change.
They include regulatory, financial and access to capital risks, as well as customer retention, corporate reputation and insurability.
Executives also need strategies to help them take advantage of the business opportunities in the transition to a lower carbon economy.
360 Energy, in partnership with CPA Canada, has arranged a special executive session to explore these topics:
When? September 19, 2019
Where? Burlington, Ontario
Who should attend? Boards of directors Senior executives (e.g. CEO, CFO)
About the presenter, Bob Willard: Bob is a leading expert on quantifying the business value of sustainability strategies. He has given over a thousand presentations, authored six books
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