Energy Efficiency & Optimization
This month, 360 Energy announced a new line of products. We have developed the tools to help companies and organizations manage their carbon emissions.
I want you to know why we have made carbon emissions reduction a focus for our company.
Much is being made about the risks of climate warming. Certainly, the risks are real and they are significant.
My view however, is that where there are risks, there are rewards. I want us to start thinking about the climate change challenge as the biggest opportunity the world has ever faced.
The world urgently needs energy that doesn’t emit the greenhouse gas emissions that are warming our climate. To me, there couldn’t be a more inspiring challenge! It calls out our strongest human traits – our ingenuity, and our ability to work together to solve daunting problems.
I just have the audacious belief that with the right attitudes, will power and knowledge, we can solve the climate riddle. It’s a quest that motivates and excites me.
For nearly 3 decades, I have worked with remarkable business people, in different industries who have shared a common belief that energy is manageable. They have demonstrated time and time again – taking action on energy saves money, improves competitiveness, builds resilience and embeds innovation in corporate culture.
The world is changing. Businesses, and their customers around the world, are recognizing that inaction in the face of climate change is no solution. We need to act.
But how?
At the moment, most companies have limited knowledge about the energy they use. They don’t know what to do and don’t have the tools to help them respond.
At 360 Energy we are setting out to change that.
With the right knowledge, the right processes and the right commitment,
We know this to be true by the work we do in energy conservation with organizations all across North America.
My message is primarily directed to owners and company executives. You need the insights to help advance your organizations. You need the support to stay relevant and mitigate risks – right now as well as in the near future.
I’m reaching out to you with our new line of 360 Energy carbon management products. Together we can help our companies prosper while making the world a better and safer place.
The biggest opportunity in the world means that business also has the biggest opportunity it has ever faced.
Will you join me on this great venture?
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