Energy Efficiency & Optimization
There’s a saying, “the journey of a thousand miles always starts with the first step”.
But even before taking the first step, the thousand-mile journey has to be an important one, or why would you even begin?
For every company, for every manufacturer, controlling energy and reducing carbon emissions is likely the most important journey we will ever take. Here’s why.
We know the risks of climate change are real. The carbon emissions that come from burning fossil fuels trap heat in our atmosphere and warms our planet. 75% of Canadians worry about climate change. Their level of concern is driving action from the government, customers, investors and financial markets.
I believe that risk creates opportunities. The journey to control energy and carbon emissions is surely one of the most exciting we could be on. Why wouldn’t we embark on this journey?
Many Canadian companies have already started. Leaders at three transformative businesses recently shared their stories with 360 Energy. Here’s what they said:
The journey to transform our societies’ use of energy has many, many steps. However, we have the benefit of following in the footsteps of these icons of Canadian business.
I and our 360 Energy team look forward to walking this exciting journey with them and with you!
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Ready as long as the Goto Webinar links work update: (I think they do now?)