Energy Efficiency & Optimization
Renewable Energy & Grid Modernization
Electric energy storage (EES) systems are in a rapid development phase. They are considered critical to enabling transitions to cleaner, more versatile electric power systems. The most common application of EES is arbitraging variable generating sources such as solar and wind and matching them with demand. However, there are other applications of EES in traditional and modern grids such as ramping, black start, demand response and voltage support to name a few. The perceived benefits of EES have led to new EES technology developments, demonstration projects and research projects that quantify the benefits of EES systems. Despite these developments, implementation of EES systems has been limited to demonstration projects with significant uptake of EES yet to be seen. The high capital cost of EES systems has been identified as one main barrier to deployment. In addition to capital costs, other non-technical barriers include some regulatory treatments of EES that may prevent them from tapping into multiple revenue streams and limitations of evaluation methods utilized to quantify benefits of EES.
This study will evaluate the full value of EES by applying a techno-economic modelling framework to electric power systems in Canadian provinces. The study will provide insights into market opportunities for different storage technologies, attributes different technologies should have to provide intended services and what is required of EES to achieve the energy, environmental, and economic goals set by each province.
For our Ontario readers, Allan Fogwill, President & CEO ofCERI, will be presenting this study on May 3. Join us for breakfast andlearn what it will take for energy storage to help Ontario achieve its energy,environment, and economic goals.
Cost: $45.00 CAD
This engagement is complimentary for
360 Energy Customers. Please contact us directly to get thepromotional code for your free ticket!
Friday, May 3, 7:30am
Holiday Inn, 3063 South Service Road,
Burlington, Ontario
Space is Limited!
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