Sustainability & Climate Action
The United Nations Climate Summit in Glasgow has ended. President Biden and Prime Minister Trudeau promised to reduce carbon emissions 50% and 40%, respectively, by 2030. After the many words spoken and the Glasgow Climate Pact signed, what are the implications?
Our clients across North America have consistently achieved significant cost savings and organizational effectiveness when the management of energy became their strategic priority. Whether private or public sector organizations, “energy literacy” has saved them up to 25% with little capital investment.
Managing how we use energy is foundational to reducing CO2 emissions. Burning fossil fuels creates CO2 – the gas that traps heat in the earth’s atmosphere and is responsible for warming our climate.
We recently polled some of our 360 Energy network. They told us that business, government and consumers all have a role in dropping our carbon emissions by half in the next 8 years. They told us they want to reduce their environmental impact but have to remain prosperous while doing so.
Accessing the knowledge and putting it to work is the first barrier to overcome when building prosperous and environmentally-friendly companies.
I believe that businesses can embrace the reality of our challenge, find the will and apply their entrepreneurial skills to the task.
The challenges COP26 presented can be solved. I’m excited that 360 Energy and our clients will be showing the way.
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