The Year of Energy

2019 was the year of energy. Energy defined 2019 more than any other issue. That reality underscores how important is the work we do. The smart and effective management of energy is the compelling need of our time.
If Canadian businesses could shave just 5% off their energy costs, it would give Canada’s economy a $3 Billion productivity boost. That’s just one example.
I give thanks for the exemplary leadership of all our customers. You model the kind of management and operational competence every organization will eventually need to adopt. You have enabled our 360 Energy team to continuously learn, grow and become better.   
Energy and energy issues will define the coming year just as they have defined the past. The work you do managing energy will remain relevant, vital and leading edge. 
My sincere thanks for being with us on our common journey of achieving energy excellence together. 

Happy Holidays from all of us at 360 Energy!
May you, your families and loved ones enjoy the very best of this festive season!

David Arkell, CEO

360 Energy Inc.

Blog / Price Fixing of Carbon Markets. There is a better way.

by Sheldon Fulton

If a baker priced his bread at $50/loaf, we would all opt for a new baker. If he priced it at $.05/loaf, we would buy all that we could possibly eat. Whether either baker stayed in business is a question for another day.
At what price do we consume more or less of a product? Bread is a fairly easy example. We check weekly flyers for specials. We compare fresh Focaccia from the specialty bakery to the ‘wonders’ of sliced bread from the local supermarket. Based on our knowledge and preferences, we make efficient and economic purchases.

Can the same dynamics be applied to carbon emissions? Canadian governments think so. They have decided that putting a price on carbon will discourage us from using carbon-emitting products. In their “wisdom”, the right price today is $20/tonne. But in three years’ time, the ‘right price’ needs to be $50/tonne.


Blog / Do you think Carbon Capture and Storage is a Pipe Dream? Think Again.

By Richard Adamson MSc.

Each year, Canada emits over 700 MT of carbon dioxide (CO2) – roughly 19.5 tonnes per person. Those are a lot of greenhouse gas emissions. Only about 11% of them come from power generation. Transport adds another 28%. So the obsessive focus on solar panels and wind turbines just won’t get us there. 

The emphasis on electrification, whether for personal transport or for industrial processes, will force rapid growth in the electric power sector.


Replay Link / Did you miss the Emissions-Free Trucking Webinar? No problem!

Jessica Lof with the Canadian Energy Systems Analysis and Research initiative (CESAR) at the University of Calgary described the potential future of heavy duty trucking in a hydrogen economy.

A pilot project under the auspices of the Alberta Zero Emissions Truck Electrification Collaboration (AZETEC) will test how well hydrogen fuel cells will enable trucks in the Calgary/Edmonton corridor to haul heavy loads without generating carbon emissions. The research project has support from the Alberta Motor Transport Association, Emissions Reduction Alberta and the Transition Accelerator.

360 Energy hosted the emissions free trucking webinar which is now available for viewing on the 360 Energy website.


Coach’s Circle / Hockey Team = Energy Team

My five year old son is learning to play hockey this winter. Every Saturday at the rink, coaches put the kids through sets of drills. They are instilling core competencies in the basics skills. The secret to mastering a skill is constant repetition. Working on a new skill doesn’t start until measurable progress is made on mastering the current one.

It made me think how coaching for Energy Excellence and coaching Hockey share more than a few similarities.


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